Tuesday, June 2, 2009

High 5

it was an awkward day.. all the fighting, all the motionless action that we had during this day.. it was awful and one of the worse thing that i dont wanna have between our relationship..
anyways lets move on..
around 1 at noon..we barely talked to each other since 9 in the morning..
**skip some parts too lazy to type and its not important to u anyways..**
we ended up talking in the umbrella seat beside FIB (our faculty).. moved near the lake with a nice windy wind surrounded us. and then something tragedically happended..
HER FEET.. IT WAS SO DIRRRRTTYYYYYYYYY.. LOLOLOLOL ( im sorry to say this B, but i just had to write it down because it was so funny! )
and i told her to wash it and she did..
then we talked ALOOOOTTTTT about different things and our experience in the past.. it was nice to share with..
Around 3... we decided to go home..
well we didnt really go home,, we went to this "EMPEK-EMPEK" place in cilandak.. LOL we ate and it was so fucking HOT!! and we bought donuts also.. it was very tasty too.. hmmm YUMMY!!
Move on..i drove her home, then she kissed me with a big beautiful smile on her face saying HAPPY 5 months b :p
"5 months too b" i shouted
she closed the car door.. and opened the backdoor to get her stuff..she said "i missed u and she smiled again"
**SHE CLOSED THE DOOR** ( it wasnt properly closed )
** SHE OPENDED IT AGAIN ** then i said "baby dont go :p
**And then she BLUSHED and LAUGH** LOL.. when shes about to go.. i reared it.. and opended the side window.. and say "dek mw kmana? kosong ayuu" expression of angkot driver LOLOLOOL

My bad for saying it was an awkward day because this day it wasnt awkward.. it was romantical.. HIGH 5 b.. Lets go for SEX.. i mean SIX lolololol

My Insipiration

My Insipiration
KB24 "The Black Mamba"